What Is Ruby on Rails & Why You Should Use it for Your Web Application

Ruby on Rails is an open-source software used to build web applications. Rails is a framework used to create websites using the general-purpose programming language Ruby. Ruby ranks amongst the top ten programming languages predominantly because of the voguishness of Rails.

Ruby on Rails was built by David Heinemeier Hansson and is often just called “Rails”. It amalgamates Ruby with HTML, JavaScript and CSS to manufacture a web application that operates on a web server. It is generally considered to be a server-side web application development platform. Rails catalyzes the process of buildings complex sites. John Dillon, CEO of Engine Yard, said Ruby’s productivity in Rails is anywhere from 2 to 2.5 times greater than a comparable Java programmer.

Why Use Ruby on Rails (RoR)?

While giving an interview in 2005, David Heinemeier Hansson the designer of Rails stated, “Ruby is an extremely easy programming language to use for building web applications.

Ruby is a general-purpose programming language that has groomed syntax and doesn’t require colossally extra punctuation”.

Ruby is streamlined compared to Java as it does not necessitate extensive codes to create basic structures such as data fields. Also, Ruby eases the task of using high-level abstractions such as metaprogramming.

Ruby ranks 15th in the TIOBE index and is the 6th most expensively paid language globally as per Stack Overflow developer survey, 2019. Ruby is 12th in the Top Programming Languages in GitHub.

Ruby’s trump card is RubyGems that helps in quickly creation and sharing of software libraries that extend Ruby. RubyGems facilitates a simple system to install gems and RubyGems website is the place where you can find the latest version of Rails.

What Does Rails Do?

Rails is a framework for web application development written in Ruby. It provides a structure to web developers for all the codes. It is manufactured to ease web application programming by predicting what every developer needs to begin with. Rails requires less code but provides more capabilities than any other language or framework.

Rails is an opinionated software. It assumes and brings out the best way to do something, and it is designed to promote that way. If you do it the Rails way, you will realize your productivity is increasing.

How Rails Works?

Let’s begin from scratch. For example, you run to a web browser to read this article; the web browser blends three kinds of files; HTML, CSS and JavaScript to display web pages. A web server provides files to a web browser; the web server can either be remote ( connected by the internet ) or on your computer ( if you are into development ). HTML is a language used to create an essential combination of content and generic design elements. CSS is a style sheet language used to enhance the unique appearance of design elements.

JavaScript is a text-based programming language used to add interactive features to the structures created by HTML and CSS. A web server delivers HTML, CSS and JavaScript either from static files or an “application server”. Application servers make dynamic files using programming languages such as Ruby.

A web application is a software program written in Ruby and organized using Rails convention. Rails amalgamates Ruby programming language with HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create web applications. To dynamically combine HTML, CSS and JavaScript files from component files Rails uses Ruby programming language.

Overview of Ruby on Rails Architecture

Rails is designed on the basic MVC architecture. MVC or Modal View Controller is a software design pattern for developing web applications. It is made up of three parts –

  1. Modal- It is the lowest level of the pattern that is responsible for maintaining data.
  2. View- It is accountable for displaying a portion of or all data to the viewer.
  3. Controller- It is the software code that administers interactions between Modal and View.

MVC detaches the application logic from the user interface layer and assists the severance of concerns. The controller is the centre that receives the requests for the application and then performs with Modal to generate the required results which are then in turn displayed by View.

What is Ruby And Rails Used For

  1. Ruby on Rails is best used for creating online stores with decent and sophisticated browsing and purchasing options.
  2. Ruby on Rails can also be used for creating efficient stock marketing platforms.
  3. It is also beneficial to use Ruby on Rails to create Social Networking sites.
  4. Ruby on Rails can be a good choice while creating Non-standard complex projects.
  5. Due to Ruby on Rails’ easy building features using it for creating Saas solutions is the optimum choice.

Have a look to Some of the Best Examples of Ruby on Rails Applications

Benefits of Using Ruby on Rails

  1. Cost-effective: Ruby on Rails is a 100% free and open-source framework. From a developer’s point of view, it is easy to use, and with the add on advantage of tons of gems, the developer can save plenty of time and effort.
  2. Secure: The framework is by default, installed and enabled with some security measures. When you use Ruby in Rails, you are following a secure development process.
  3. Flexibility: While creating web applications in Rails, it uses frontend and backend abilities; these are simpler and easier to create. A single-page web application uses Rails at the backend and maybe any other framework like Angular for the front end. This makes the application depend on Rails for the best qualities.
  4. Productivity: Employing Ruby to create your web application permits you to develop features extremely fast. This happens because Ruby effortlessly combines the 3rd party software libraries. It is amongst the most productive programming languages.
  5. Consistent: Ruby on Rails helps keep a project organized and decipherable as the developers have to follow standardized file storage and programming conventions. Plus, it saves a lot of time.


Every developer looks for ways that help in reducing the amount of effort and time they put in to build a web application, something that can automate the tedious tasks that are involved in the process of creating a website. Ruby on Rails is just the software for that.

Hire Ruby on Rails developer who will help you to deliver the best open-source software to build web applications because Rails is the most manageable framework, and Ruby is a concise language. Additionally, you know that it is designed on the MVC architecture and possesses numerous benefits. All the above data is your primary guide and initial encounter with Ruby in Rails. You now hold all the information necessary, to begin with, your creations using Ruby on Rails.


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